
Worked with the Ruby on Rails team on leaderboard rankings, automation, documentation, FAQ's, feature addition, submission privacy and fixing bugs. Also worked on migrating attributes, creating papertrail versionings and creating calls for asynchornous jobs.


DevLab is a part of CCNSB. Being advised by Dr. Deva Priyakumar (CSRI Bronze Medallist), I am currently working on Graph Isomorphism Networks for Binding affinity prediction and uncertainty quantification.


Advised by the Dr. Raghunathan Rengaswamy (dean of global engagement and the head of SENAI), I worked on thermal occupancy estimation using tripwire configuration. Achieved an accuracy of 100% in normal areas and 95% in areas with high disturbance.


Advised by Dr. Raghu Reddy, I worked on deep web crawlers using Reinforcement learning and classifying spam e-mails from emails of high importance. I also provided technical assistance to the members of the team.

Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistant for the course Probability and Random processes. Conducting tutorials, correcting exam papers, setting questions and evaluating assignments for Freshman year students.


Backend developer at grocipe. Used REST API, NodeJS, ExpressJS and Role based authentication along with various functionalities.